apologize for missing the meeting

How to Apologize for Missing a Meeting [+ Templates]

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No one loves meetings, but that's not the only reason someone misses a scheduled event. The busy schedules, sleeping through the alarm, and losing track of time are often the main culprits. In my entire professional life, I used to miss meetings, and one thing I've learned is that a simple ‘sorry’ won't suffice in most cases. 

If you've missed a meeting, what you do next really counts. One method that actually works is writing an apology email. Time is valuable, and a missed meeting wastes the time of several people who actually attended the meeting. 

But how to apologize for missing a meeting? In this guide, I'll reveal the exact framework I use to write an apology for missing a meeting in just 5 minutes! 

Reasons why people miss meetings 

People are busy — and unexpected things can happen, which means they are bound to miss meetings occasionally. There are good excuses (schedule conflicts or emergencies) and some bad ones (forgetfulness). Here, I've outlined some of the common reasons why people might miss their meetings: 

  • Scheduling conflicts: There are many times when you might face scheduling conflicts (two or more meetings scheduled at the same time). In this case, it's best to ask the meeting host to reschedule one of the meetings

  • Lack of planning: Sometimes, poor organization or a lack of meeting agendas can result in missed meetings by the attendees. It's advised that a meeting agenda should be created and sent over to all the attendees. It will help everyone understand the importance of the meeting and prepare accordingly. 

  • Unexpected events: There can be some other reasons for missing a meeting, such as last-minute tasks, personal emergencies, technical issues, and forgetfulness. 

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How to write an apology email for missing a meeting 

It's inevitable that you will miss a meeting. The great thing is that you can send an apology email for missing a meeting to avoid the negative impression caused by your absence. Here’s how to apologize for missing a meeting:

1. Reach out as soon as possible 

If you have missed a work meeting, reach out to the host and the attendees as soon as possible. Remember, apologizing for missed meetings is more than just saying sorry on Slack. Instead, you'll need to focus on maintaining a professional reputation and simultaneously taking full responsibility for your absence. 

2. Explain your situation politely 

You need to keep your apology genuine, polite, and professional. Remember, an explanation or giving an excuse for missing a meeting is important, but it should be briefer than the apology itself. Here's a phrasing you can try: ‘I am really sorry I messed up this time. There is a reason, but the most important thing for you is to know I'm sorry for what I've done.’ 

Then, you can continue the email by writing the genuine reason for missing the scheduled event:  

  • I was stuck in a traffic jam. 

  • There was a family emergency that came up at the last minute. 

  • A last-minute urgent task kept me from attending. 

Here's a golden rule you should follow: ‘Don't give excuses. Instead, give a genuine explanation.’

3. Propose a solution or reschedule 

Most people often forget this important thing: You need to propose a solution or reschedule the meeting if that’s an option. It might be hard to admit your fault, but it's one of the right things to do. Your missed meeting apology email should not sound like you're giving excuses. 

After apologizing, you'll need to propose an alternative solution, like rescheduling the meeting or reviewing the action items and meeting notes. It's one of the simple ways to show your team members that you're willing to make amendments. 

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4. Follow up 

If you've missed an important meeting, such as a team or client meeting, your apology is the beginning of setting things straight. You'll need to take some necessary action to rectify the situation and send a follow-up email if that’s necessary. 

For example, you can ask the meeting organizer to share meeting minutes and action items. You can also offer to take on any additional work to compensate for the lost time. 

You can write something like this: ‘I am sorry again for the inconvenience I've caused. Can we reschedule the meeting?’ Or, ‘I’m sorry for the missed meeting. Would you please send over the meeting minutes or any other related work that I can do?

Missed meeting apology email template

As promised, I'll reveal the exact framework I use to write an apology email in just 5 (or less) minutes. Here's a short, sweet, and polite missed-meeting apology email template you can customize. 

Subject: Sincere apologies for missing today's meeting

Hello, [insert the name of the attendees] 

I'm reaching out to apologize for the meeting I missed on [insert date and time]. I got held up [insert a brief explanation of the situation] — and that's completely my responsibility. 

I am very sorry for the inconvenience and frustration my absence may have caused. I will make sure this doesn't happen anytime again. 

If possible, can we reschedule the meeting? Let me know what time works best for you. 

Meanwhile, could you please send meeting minutes or action items via email so I can refer to them as soon as possible? 

I look forward to catching up with you and getting things back on track. 

Thank you again for understanding, and I am really sorry for messing up. 

Best Regards,

[Your Name]. 

What to do if you have to miss a meeting 

Occasionally, missing meetings is okay, but you don't have to make it a habit. If you have tried everything but it's still not possible to join every meeting on time, here are a few things you should do: 

  • Give a heads-up to attendees: When you know you can't attend a scheduled event, immediately inform all the attendees so they can shuffle their schedules or plan an alternative solution. 

  • Ask for transcription or summary: If rescheduling is not an option, you can ask the meeting host or organizer to share the meeting transcripts and summary. (Pro Tip: You can use Notta AI meeting assistant to record, transcribe, or summarize your meetings.)

  • Schedule a catch-up meeting: If possible, you can also schedule a catch-up meeting to understand what was discussed. 

How to prevent missing meetings in the future 

Missing meetings often leave a bad impression on team members and clients. Here, I'll focus on some of the tried-and-tested ways to prevent missing important discussions. 

Use the Notta bot to auto-join meetings 

Professional life is often filled with meetings, and it can be hard to attend all of them. In this case, you can try an AI meeting assistant like Notta, which can record, transcribe, and summarize everything. 

There's a feature where you can ask the Notta bot to auto-join Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex, or Zoom on your behalf that are scheduled on Google Calendar or Outlook — and record the entire conversation. 

It will then automatically transcribe what's said in the meeting. Whenever you've some time at hand, you can check the meeting transcripts on the Notta platform. Whether you're not attending at all or running late for the meeting, the Notta bot will still join the meeting and start recording the conversation. 

Use Notta to record, transcribe, summarize your meetings with action items

Keep a calendar in check 

You can use tools like Google Calendar or Outlook to stay on top of your busy schedule. Some of the simple ways to avoid missing meetings include setting reminders, trying time blocking, and avoiding scheduling conflicts. 

Key takeaways 

Once you understand how to apologize for missing a meeting, it will help you fix things and get back on track. It shows you are taking full responsibility for the act and are willing to compensate by taking the necessary actions. 

If you think remembering and attending all the meetings is difficult, you can try AI tools like Notta. The Notta bot can automatically join the meetings scheduled on your calendar to record, transcribe, and summarize conversations in short paragraphs and bullet points. 


Is it necessary to apologize for missing a meeting? 

Yes, it is necessary to apologize to all the attendees and the meeting host for missing a meeting. You can write a group email informing everyone why you missed the meeting. This shows respect for the time of the attendees and maintains professionalism. 

How can I make amends after missing a meeting? 

There are some simple ways to make amends, such as rescheduling a meeting, sending a summary of action items and key points discussed, or offering help with the follow-up tasks. 

Should I follow up after apologizing for missing a meeting? 

Yes, a quick follow-up after sending the apology email will make sure all the necessary steps have been taken to make up for your absence. If there's something that needs your assistance, you can offer help and show that you're guilty. 

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