Notta for Education

A smarter way to learn and retain information

Use Notta to effortlessly transcribe your lectures, seminars, group discussions, and interviews to searchable text, making them a helpful resource in the academic journey.

75,000+ students and educators use Notta for academic transcription
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Help students and faculty succeed

Without Notta

Can’t keep up with the live lecture as a non-native speaker

You struggle to take notes from a long audio or video recording

Spend hours to transcribe a research interview to text

With Notta

Comprehend the lecture content well with a real-time transcript

Easily consume the audio or video content and take notes

Convert your recording to text in minutes and provide a summary

Make learning more inclusive

By offering a text transcript for the lectures, those who have difficulty in hearing or understanding spoken content can access the same information as their peers, creating an inclusive academic environment.

Reinforce learning to achieve better grades

A written documentation also enables you to study at your own pace, rapidly reference transcripts, and mark key points to reinforce learning and better prepare for exams.

Accelerate the research process 

As Notta converts conversations from qualitative interviews or focus groups into text, researchers will swiftly browse through transcripts, discover significant areas, and arrange their data rather than spending hours analyzing recordings.

Connect your favorite tools

Notta integrates with video conferencing tools, calendars, CRM, and a hundred more apps via Zapier, keeping your systems in sync.

Google Calendar

“When I can not hear the teacher's words clearly, I can use Notta to identify and record the content, which is a very convenient auxiliary tool for international students in class.”

Ready to fuel your academic journey?

Get lectures, research interviews, and seminars in written form to make your academic journey easy.

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