98% accurate, real-time transcription in just a few clicks. 58 languages and multiple platforms supported.
The iPhone has a built-in voicemail app, but what if you want additional features such as a visual voicemail transcript, the ability to block spammers, and being able to search through and check your saved voicemails?
Downloading an additional voicemail app for iPhones can provide you with all these features and more. Today, we’re sharing our top 5 best voicemail apps for iPhones so that you can maximize your voicemail management, features, and organization.
We’ll be judging voicemail apps based on how user-friendly they are, their pricing, pros and cons, and the number of features they offer in today’s article. Here are some of the top features we’ll be looking for:
Spam or Robocalling blocking
Organizational capabilities
File export types
The ability to add images and notes to your voicemails
The size of the voicemail inbox
Translation capabilities and the number of languages available for translation
Best for: Managing Robot and spam calls
YouMail is a top-rated visual voicemail app that is raved about for its user-friendly features and efficient spam call blocking. YouMail allows you to access your voicemail via text and email. You can also forward and reply to voicemail messages through the app and save copies of important calls to the Cloud even without your phone.
We recommend YouMail if you’re looking to manage your spam and robocalls, respond to missed calls quickly, and forward voicemail messages to yourself. This is one of the best free voicemail apps available for iPhone users.
Key Features:
Large voicemail inbox to store your messages
Plays “out of service” message to Robo callers to discourage further calls
Add new smart numbers that can ring through to your phone
Option to block spam as well as unwanted callers
Won the Gold 2019 Stevie Winner for American Business Awards
Free to use
Can’t add notes, memos, or images to your visual voicemail
Best for: Transcribing and saving your voicemails
Notta converts audio to text in mere seconds and saves you the hassle of listening to and typing out what a voicemail says. You can easily upload your saved audio recording of the voicemail to Notta or play the live recording out loud to have Notta transcribe it.
You can also edit and organize your recordings and transcriptions within Notta’s system. Notta offers translation features in 42 languages and allows you to add notes and images to your transcriptions. If you receive many work voicemails, you may enjoy using Notta’s team plan, which will enable you to collaborate on the workspace, access member management tools, and share notes, including your voicemail transcription, among coworkers.
Key Features:
Transcribes voice to text
Add images and notes to voicemail transcriptions
Import and export audio and text
Save data in multiple formats, including DOCX, PDF, TXT, and SRT
Notta simplifies voicemail management on your iPhone. You can access and listen to your voicemail messages and get notes easily.
Best for: Organizing your voicemails and missed calls
Google Voice provides you with a new phone number for text messaging, voicemail, and calling. It’s compatible with Androids, iPhones, and computers and syncs across all your devices, making it a great on-the-go app.
With Google Voice, you can filter your spam automatically and block numbers you no longer want to receive calls from. You can also manage your time with its personalization settings, which allow you to set notifications, alerts, and options for forwarding calls. All your calls, voicemails, and text messages are also automatically backed up and searchable within the app.
Key Features:
Transcribes voicemails
Access and update your contacts easily
Visual Voicemail
Allows you to stay in touch with group messages
Supports over 30 languages
You can make international calls at competitive rates
Only available in the United States
There is a charge to change your Google Voice number
Best for: Personalized voicemail responses and sharing
Hullomail Voicemail is an iPhone-compatible visual voicemail app that allows you to read, play, and respond to your voicemails on the go. You can easily collaborate and share your voicemails through the app or email. In addition, you can set up your voicemails to be sent to your email. You can also choose to block unwanted callers and set up out-of-office voice greetings.
Hullomail Voicemail offers unlimited voicemail storage and transcription of up to 180 seconds of audio transcribed. It also has anti-hacking measures to keep your stored voicemails safe.
Key Features:
You can assign individual greetings to specific callers
Block Robo and spam phone calls
Search voicemail transcripts easily
Unlimited cloud storage for voicemail transcriptions
Respond to voicemails through callbacks, texts, or greetings
Share voicemails via the app or email
Paid plans only (two-week free trial available)
Won’t answer Sprint calls
With Notta, you can easily capture and save important conversations for future reference or documentation purposes.
Visual voicemail is an app that allows you to see your voicemail messages and missed calls on screen. Many also allow you to search your voicemails, store them, and send them to others easily. In addition, you can find visual voicemail apps that will enable you to block spam and Robo callers and create personalized greetings for different callers.
Certain visual voicemail apps are free or offer free plans, including YouMail and InstaVoice. Other visual voicemail apps, such as HulloMail Voicemail and Google Voice require paid plans or have additional charges for certain features, such as changing your phone number.
Yes, there are apps for voicemail on iPhones. YouMail and InstaVoice are some of the best free visual voicemail apps for iPhones. Notta is another great app that transcribes the audio recording or live playback of your voicemail, creating a copy you can share across your devices. You can also edit and add notes or images to your visual voicemail transcript with Notta, making it an excellent tool for work collaboration.
The difference between voicemail and visual voicemail is that visual voicemail shows a transcript of your voicemail recording so that you can easily reference what the message said. Many visual voicemail apps allow you to forward your voicemail messages via text or email, organize and store your voicemails, and create personalized greetings for specific callers. Traditional voicemail usually only records the audio message, callback number, and time the message was left, so it’s far more limited.
Few things are more frustrating than having to listen to a voicemail repeatedly to try and make out what was said. Voicemail apps for iPhones can save you time, frustration, and effort.
Save time by using an app that will quickly and accurately transcribe your voicemails for you. Notta will quickly transcribe your voicemail, allow you to share it with others, and add images and notes to your transcript. In addition, Notta can sync your voicemail and other audio recording transcriptions across your mobile devices and computer, making it a great on-the-go voicemail transcript tool.